How to create an Opt-in page with Divi

An optin page is a page where a visitors can sign up for a newsletter or other email list. The main reason to have an optin page is to build your list of contacts so you can keep in touch with them and market to them in the future.

A lead magnet is a bonus that you give to visitors who sign up for your email list. The most popular kind of lead magnet is an ebook. However, you can use a single-page website to promote any kind of lead magnet.

If you don’t have Divi yet, you can get it here.

In the video below we are going to create a simple, but effective opt-in page using the Divi theme builder.


Click here to download the template!


How to import the template

Step 1

Download the template and extract it.

Step 2

Make sure you have the latest version of the Divi theme installed

Step 3

Go to your admin, Divi -> Theme builder

Step 4

Click the “Portability icon” (up-down arrows) and select “Import”, upload the json file and click the “Import Divi Theme Builder Templates” button





Christian Kovats is a London-based web designer who loves crafting innovative and user-friendly interfaces. His passion for design is only rivaled by his love for nature and hiking, often drawing inspiration from his treks through the diverse landscapes of the UK. Outside of work, Christian enjoys spending quality time with his wife and 4-year-old son. A seasoned lucid dreamer, he also spends time exploring the intricate world of dream interpretation, reflecting his ever-curious and creative mind.


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