How To Make Money as a Fiverr Freelancer

Are you wanting to make money online and work from home as a freelancer? Fiverr is a great platform to start your freelance career. As a Fiverr freelancer, you can offer services from $5 and up, and earn more money by upselling add-ons. Here’s how to get started and make money on Fiverr.

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is an online marketplace that connects freelancers with customers who are looking to outsource services. It offers a range of freelance services, from logo design and web development to writing, translation, marketing and even legal services. Customers can browse through Fiverr’s selection of freelancers and select the right one for their project. Once they have made a purchase, Fiverr will deliver the service within the agreed timeline. Fiverr also offers a dispute resolution process to protect both customers and freelancers from fraud or abuse.

General overview of the process of making money on Fiverr

  1. Create an account: To start making money on Fiverr, the first step is to create a free account. You will need to provide your name, email address and a password.
  2. Set up your profile: After creating an account, you must set up your profile. This includes providing a short bio about yourself, writing a catchy headline, and adding a profile picture.
  3. Create Gigs: Once your profile is complete, you need to create Gigs (services) that you’re willing to offer to potential buyers. Each Gig should outline what service you are offering, how long it will take, the cost of the service and any other necessary details.
  4. Promote your Gigs: The next step is to promote your Gigs so that potential buyers can find them among the thousands of other Gigs on Fiverr. You can spread the word by sharing them on social media, sending emails to friends and family, or even advertising on Google Adwords or similar platforms.
  5. Deliver your services: After someone purchases your Gig, you must deliver on your promise by completing the service in an efficient and timely manner. Before submitting the service, make sure you have checked for accuracy and included any relevant documents so that nothing is left out.
  6. Collect payments: Payments are collected through Fiverr’s secure payment system so you don’t have to worry about sending invoices or dealing with payment processing fees. Once you’ve delivered the service, Fiverr will deposit the payment into your account minus their commission fee of 20%.

Designing your service offers

One of the most important part of your service or gig is the “Gig image”. This is an image that represents your service, and this is what potential customers will see first when they see your gig in searches. This must stand out to catch their attention.


The recommended size for this image is 1280×769 px, 72 Dots Per Inch (DPI).

Here is some ideas to get you started:

  1. Use high-quality and visually appealing imagery: Find an image that reflects the service you provide, that is eye-catching and visually appealing.
  2. Choose a relevant color scheme: Choose colors that are related to your service, such as green for eco-friendly services, or blue and orange for tech-related services.
  3. Incorporate text: Include some text with key words related to your service, such as ‘logo design’ or ‘website development’. This will help potential buyers to quickly identify what it is you’re offering.
  4. Avoid clutter: Keep your images simple, with minimal distractions like too many words or extra elements.
  5. Showcase your skills: Include a logo or watermark with your name or business name so potential buyers know who is offering the service.
  6. Include elements of trust: Display any ratings or certifications you may have so that potential buyers know your services are reliable.

Writing an effective description and title for each offer

Apart from a great image, the title and the description are equally important.

  1. Choose a Descriptive Title: Your title should be concise, descriptive, and eye-catching. Think of words that accurately represent the services you offer. This will help potential buyers quickly identify what service you’re offering and the benefits of hiring you.
  2. Describe What You Can Do: Provide a detailed description of the services you’re offering and the benefit customers will receive when they hire you. Use descriptive language that clearly explains what kind of tasks or services you can provide and how it will help them achieve their goals.
  3. Include Keywords: Integrate keywords related to your job and services into your title and description. This will make it easier for prospects to find your gig within Fiverr search engine when searching for related services or keywords.
  4. Mention Your Uniqueness: Differentiate yourself from others by mentioning your unique skills or experiences. Describe why you’re the right person for the job and why customers should choose you over someone else.
  5. Check Spelling & Grammar: Make sure your title and description are free of spelling or grammar errors as this can have an adverse effect on whether customers choose to hire you or not.

Strategies for Promoting Your Services

Gig Extras are additional services that sellers can offer in addition to their main gig, for more money. These extra services allow buyers to customize the gig to fit their specific needs. Examples of gig extras include additional revisions, faster delivery, adding extra files, etc.

This also helps you with:

  1. Increased visibility: Additional features can help increase visibility for your gigs, expanding your reach to potential customers.
  2. Enhance customer experience: Adding extra features like video clips, images, or sound clips can help make the customer experience more interactive and engaging.
  3. Encourage referrals: People are more likely to share gigs with their friends and family if there is something extra to make them stand out.
  4. Increase your sales: By offering more than just the standard gig, you can create additional revenue streams, while providing customers with something they won’t be able to find elsewhere.
  5. Professional branding: Professional level features will help your gig look more appealing and professional, creating a better first impression to those searching for services on Fiverr.

Fiverr is unlike any other freelance websites. On Fiverr you don’t really have to chase customers, they will find you. Of course it’s not always the case, especially if your account is brand new and you don’t have any ratings yet. If that is the case, you need to find those first customers yourself.

Here is some more ideas on how to promote your gigs:

  1. Utilize Social Media: Promoting your Fiverr offerings on social media is an effective way to reach out to a wider audience. Post regularly about your gig and engage with your followers. Be sure to use appropriate hashtags to get your posts seen.
  2. Network With Other Fiverr Sellers: Reach out to other Fiverr sellers who offer services complementary to yours. You can share tips and advice, become affiliates or even collaborate on projects. Doing so will help you increase your client base as well as build relationships with fellow sellers who can recommend your services.
  3. Leverage Your Website: If you have a website or blog, you should use it to promote your services. Create blog posts that provide helpful information related to your offering. You can also include a link to your Fiverr profile and review page on the homepage of your website or blog.
  4. Run Ads: Running ads on search engines and social media platforms can also be a great way to promote your Fiverr gig. You’ll be able to target potential clients who are actively looking for what you offer, which can lead to more clicks and sales.
  5. Reach Out To Potential Clients Directly: Don’t be afraid to reach out directly to potential clients. If you can show them the value of the service you offer, they may be more likely to purchase from you or recommend your services to others.

Tips for Providing Quality Services

Once you already have a few closed orders and received great ratings, you are well on your way to success. If you do good job and receive good ratings, Fiverr will show your gig higher in its search results. It means more and more people will see your gig and eventually you’ll receive more orders without going after customers. So it’s in your best interest to provide great service.

Here is some ideas for providing great service and increase your gig impressions:

  1. Listen to your customers and respond quickly to their requests and inquiries.
  2. Follow up with every customer after a purchase to ensure satisfaction.
  3. Monitor reviews and feedback from customers and act on it accordingly.
  4. Keep up with trends in your industry to make sure you’re providing the most relevant services for the current market.
  5. Set clear expectations for delivery times and communicate transparently about them.
  6. Use detailed descriptions of your services and portfolios to accurately reflect what you can offer.
  7. Offer custom options or add-ons to give customers options for more personalized services.
  8. Provide discounts or incentives when possible to thank customers for their loyalty.
  9. Respond promptly and politely address any complaints or problems that may arise with a customer’s service.
  10. Respond to messages within 1 hour. Install the Fiverr app on your phone to make sure you respond quickly.
  11. Buy a good VPN service and open your gig from different locations 20 times a day at least. This also helps if your account is new and you haven’t had any orders yet.
  12. Delivering services on time, every time. If you see that you need more time to finish, ask for a delivery time extension. Prevent late deliveries at all cost!


In conclusion, working as a Fiverr freelancer presents an abundance of advantages for those who are looking for a flexible, rewarding career. Not only does it provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs, aspiring professionals, and experienced freelancers to make a living from the comfort of their own homes, but it also allows them to enjoy the freedom and autonomy of setting their own hours and priorities, enabling them to focus on projects that they really care about. For all these reasons, working as a Fiverr freelancer is an excellent choice!

If you are interested in becoming a Fiverr affiliate, read this article.



Christian Kovats is a London-based web designer who loves crafting innovative and user-friendly interfaces. His passion for design is only rivaled by his love for nature and hiking, often drawing inspiration from his treks through the diverse landscapes of the UK. Outside of work, Christian enjoys spending quality time with his wife and 4-year-old son. A seasoned lucid dreamer, he also spends time exploring the intricate world of dream interpretation, reflecting his ever-curious and creative mind.


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