What is model binding in Laravel?

Asked by: tomlance79
Viewed: 554
Answers: 1
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Hello fellow developers,

I've been working with Laravel for a while now, primarily focusing on basic CRUD operations and routing. Recently, I came across the term "model binding" in the Laravel documentation, and I'm a bit confused about its purpose and how it works.

From my understanding, Laravel provides a way to automatically inject model instances into routes, but I'm not entirely sure how this process works or when it's best to use it. I've seen some examples where developers use it to retrieve a specific record without explicitly querying the database, which seems quite efficient.

Can someone explain what model binding in Laravel is, its advantages, and perhaps provide a simple example of how it's implemented? I'd really appreciate any insights or resources on this topic.


Answer by: ChristianKovats

Answered on: 23 Aug 2023 Marked as best by question author

  • 1

Model binding in Laravel is a feature that allows you to automatically inject model instances into your routes or controllers. Instead of manually querying the database for a model based on a segment of the route, Laravel can automatically do it for you, making the process more convenient and reducing boilerplate code.

Here's a breakdown of how model binding works in Laravel:

Route Parameter: When defining a route, you can specify a parameter that corresponds to the ID (or another attribute) of a model.

Route::get('posts/{post}', 'PostController@show');

Controller Method: In your controller method, you can type-hint the model before the parameter name. Laravel will automatically fetch the model instance that corresponds to the given ID in the route.

public function show(Post $post)
    return view('posts.show', compact('post'));

Automatic Resolution: When a request matches the above route, Laravel will automatically fetch the Post model with the ID provided in the URL. If the model is found, it will be passed to the controller method. If not, a 404 response will be generated.

Customizing The Key Name: By default, Laravel uses the id column to look up the model. If you want to use another column, you can override the getRouteKeyName method on the model:

public function getRouteKeyName()
    return 'slug';

Route Model Binding: You can also bind models in the RouteServiceProvider using the bind method. This allows for more advanced resolution logic:

public function boot()

    Route::bind('post', function ($value) {
        return App\Post::where('slug', $value)->firstOrFail();


Implicit vs. Explicit Binding: Laravel supports both implicit and explicit binding. Implicit binding is the automatic resolution of Eloquent models by type-hinting them in routes or controller actions, as shown above. Explicit binding allows you to define custom resolution logic for specific models, as demonstrated in the RouteServiceProvider.

Model binding simplifies the process of working with database records in routes and controllers, making the code cleaner and more maintainable.

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