Client denied by server configuration xmlrpc.php

Asked by: chris11
Viewed: 939
Answers: 1
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I’m getting this error for my WordPress website.

client denied by server configuration: /var/www/public_html/

How can i fix it?


Answer by: jenniryan

Answered on: 21 Jul 2023

  • 0

If you don’t use that file you can remove it, but it will come back the next time you update WordPress. It’s best to deny access to tha file in your .htaccess file like this:

<Files xmlrpc.php>
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all

But do this only if you know that you don’t use this file.

If you remove the xmlrpc.php file from your WordPress server, you may disable the ability for external applications to remotely communicate with your site using the XML-RPC protocol. This can impact the functionality of any external applications or services that rely on the XML-RPC interface to interact with your WordPress site.

For example, if you have a mobile app that relies on the XML-RPC interface to create or update posts on your WordPress site, removing the xmlrpc.php file will break that functionality, and the app won’t be able to perform those actions anymore.

However, removing the xmlrpc.php file can also improve the security of your WordPress site. The XML-RPC interface has been known to be a target for brute-force attacks, and some security plugins recommend disabling it to improve site security.

Overall, whether you should remove the xmlrpc.php file from your WordPress server depends on your specific use case and security requirements. If you don’t use any external applications that rely on the XML-RPC interface, and you want to improve the security of your site, removing the file may be a good option. However, if you rely on external applications or services that use the XML-RPC interface, you should keep the file and ensure that your site’s security is appropriately managed.

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